After School Programs

After School Program

After School Program focuses on play as a tool to bring about happiness, help children let go of their anxieties while enjoying the moment.

During the After School Programs we ensure children get ample time to play, learn basic life skills, exercise their interpersonal skills while interacting and sharing with other children.

The main motivation of the After School Program is to help create amazing childhood memories for children.

Background of our After school program

The society also basing on our education curriculum, has encouraged the children to embrace the reading culture which is good, however, less emphasis is put on the importance of play.

Hence, we are raising children who feel life is about performance, everything is about competition and in order to be successful, one has to focus and pass examination. The children as a result grow their cognitive life skills but their emotional and social life skill is wanting.

We appreciate that the government took note of this and even went ahead to introduce  Competency Based Curriculum(CBC), which is slowly being rolled out in schools. In order to support this noble course, we offer the after school programs to help the child grow holistic.

Why you should sign up your child for our Afterschool program

Afterschool ProgramsI. Designed different activities the child can engage in afterschool program

Our program has different activities that include:

  • Weekend Escapades. We have activities for different age groups where they are able to visit different places and enjoy a day full of fun and games. This happens over the weekends when the children are not going to school.
  • Holiday Escapades. The holiday escapades are conducted during the holidays. The children, adolescents and young people are able to visit different places, we offer night outs, camping experiences, hiking experiences among others. The main goal is to ensure the children, adolescents and youth have fun.
  • Creative Learning. During creative learning activity, we allow the children, adolescents and young people visit organizations, institutions where they can learn more about the careers they would want to pursue. This gives them insight on whether or not they would want to pursue the career. They are also able to gain first-hand experience from an adult who is a professional already.
  • Wonder world. During this activity, we encourage children, adolescents and young people to read books so as to enhance a reading culture for them. When we meet, we give opportunity to the children to share which book they are reading and how it has influenced them.

We offer this activity both online and offline. We use story telling as a tool to share our school experiences then empower the pupils and students on how to cope with challenges that come with one being a student.

  • Community outreach activities. We sensitize community members on the challenges the children, adolescents and youth face. With the help of the children, adolescents and youth, we come up with solutions that will help eliminate or lessen the challenges. We have parents join in this conversations and the conversations are targeted on the different age groups as opposed to having the children, adolescents and youth in the same room.
  • Community social responsibility. We focus on supporting vulnerable children, adolescents and youth in different children homes, hospitals, slums among others. We support them by offering timeout session for free as we also give them food, clothes, snacks.

Afterschool programII. We create safe space for children to share their challenges and we are able to discuss viable solutions to help mitigate the challenges

We provide safe space where the children are able to interact with each other and the psychologists. They share their challenges and we are able to guide them through in identifying possible solutions to their challenges.

Sign up your child today

Do you desire to create amazing childhood experience for your child? The Dip-Co afterschool program is right for them. Get in touch with us today by filling the registration form on the contact us page here. We will revert back to you soonest possible.

Alternatively you can get in touch with us directly via WhatsApp or giving us a call. To stay connected with our activities other important updates about our upcoming events please follow us on social media by clicking the social media buttons at the top of the page.

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