Our Story

DIP-CO started in September 2015 as a community based organization. We started off by offering counselling services to children and adolescents between ages 7 yrs-18yrs and we managed to reach out to less than 50 children. We then realized there was need to add more programs observing that majority of the children needed guidance in identifying and maximizing their potential. This led to the designing of more programs that focused on empowering children, adolescents and young people.

In 2016, we piloted the mentorship program and managed to enroll 300 children.
In 2017-2018, we got clients who enrolled an average of 250 children for mentorship and talent exploration. We also partnered with two schools where we were able to introduce in school activities that focused on empowering the students on life skills.
In 2019-2020, we transitioned from a community based organization to a limited company.
It is from this point that we added more programs including targeted programs for 3-7 years and 19-24 years age groups.
In the month of march 2020, the covid-19 pandemic struck and this necessitated us to develop online programs for our targeted population which is now 3-24 years.
We now offer five services which include: mentorship (online and offline), after school programs, counselling services, talent exploration and leadership program.
So far we have been able to be accredited by the following: UNDP/Deloitte Firm, UNESCO, Startup Istanbul and recently we got a grant from Africa Yes.

Our Vision

The future we see

A future characterized by children, adolescents and young adults who are equipped to maximize their potential and drivers of sustainable development. 

Our Mission

What drives us

To tap into the potential of children, adolescents and young adults, nurture their capabilities in leadership so as to enhance the possibilities of a sustainable human capital pioneering development in Kenya and beyond.

Our Core Values


We hold in high regard our clients and employees opinion and values.

Self Drive

We appreciate our employees unique qualities which highly contributes to individual self-drive.


We are open to innovative ideas shared by both our clients and employees as pertaining to enhancement of our services.

Ethics & Integrity

Our employees are required to uphold integrity at all times and adhere to the rules that govern the company.

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